Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Geocaching - Where have I been the last 11 years?

I recently stumbled upon a website - or more aptly - a world-wide phenomenon and hobby that ignited my geek-pistons: Geocaching. What is it, you ask? So did I. While all the details can be found at its website, I will give you give my personal testimony.  My discovery was made one afternoon while trying to find a fun, cheap outing for a child I was babysitting. After searching for "fun, cheap activities in Atlanta", I saw the link on a website. With one click, I was hooked. What lover of books, education and mystery would not be sold by the ability to participate in a world-wide treasure hunt?! Basically, I created a free account, typed in my zip code, and found a list of hidden "treasures" within walking distance of my house. Granted, I live in a highly populated, urban area, but have found caches listed in my small hometown and a tiny island on Florida's Gulf. Ideally, you will need a GPS enabled device, but don't despair, you may still search without one; it may take a bit longer, but the website allows you to click for a Google Map location.

Please take some time to explore the site. This is a great tool for classrooms, field trips, families, friends or just exploring alone. I look forward to creating geocaches that tie in to a literary reference...the possibilities are endless! Take a moment to check out the website - here is a good place to get started - and good luck.